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Líneas de investigación:

  • - Enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras
  • - Fonética y fonología inglesa
  • - Programas de educación bilingüe

Publicaciones (selección):

- Méndez, M.C., Pavón, V. 2012. “Investigating the coexistence of the mother tongue and the foreign language through teacher collaboration in CLIL contexts: perceptions and practice of the teachers involved in the plurilingual programme in Andalusia”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15(5), 573-592.

- Valcke, J., Pavón, V. 2015. “Transmitting complex academic information effectively: a comparative study on the use of pronunciation strategies for highlighting information in university lectures”. In R. Wilkinson and M.L. Walsh (Eds.), Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: From Theory to Practice (pp. 323-341). Frankfurt-amMain: Peter Lang.

- Bazo, P., Centellas, A., Dafouz, E., Fernández, A. González, D., Pavón, V. 2017. Documento marco de política lingüística para la internacionalización del sistema universitario español. Madrid: Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas (CRUE).

- Pavón, V., Pérez, A. 2017. “Enhancing disciplinary literacies: languages of schooling and wholeschool language projects in Spain”. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(1), 109- 130.

- Pavón, V., Vioque, S. 2017. “El tratamiento de la pronunciación en los programas de enseñanza a lo largo de la historia. Pasado, presente y futuro”. In J.A. Cutillas, J.M Hernández, R. Manchón, F. Mena (Eds.), Estudios de Filología Inglesas. Homenaje a D. Rafael Monroy, (pp. 507-530). Murcia: Editum.

- Pavón, V. 2018. “Learning outcomes in CLIL programmes: a comparison of results between urban and rural environments”. Porta Linguarum, 29, 9-28.

- Pavón, V. 2018 “Innovations and challenges in CLIL research: exploring the development of subject specific literacies”. Theory Into Practice, 57(3), 204- 211. DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2018.1484035

- Pavón, V., Ramos, M.C. 2019. “Describing the use of the L1 in CLIL: analysing students’ L1 communication strategies in classroom interaction”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 22(1), 35-48. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1511681 Pérez-Costa, S. and Pavón, V. 2019. “Un estudio comparativo de las estrategias discursivas inglés-español utilizadas en la impartición de contenido en un contexto AICLE”. CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education, 2(1), 43- 53.

- Pavón, V., Lancaster, N., Bretones, C. 2019. “Key issues in training and teacher coordination within monolingual contexts: lessons learned and ways forward”. The Language Learning Journal, advance access (online), 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/09571736.2019.1642940 Pimentel, C., and Pavón, V. 2020. “Improving oral skills in university lessons: techniques and strategies to use pronunciation effectively”. In D. González-Álvarez and E. RamaMartínez (Eds.). Languages and the Internationalisation of Higher Education (pp. 139- 156). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

- Pavón, V. 2020. “The role of languages in the internationalisation of higher education: institutional challenges”. In R. Rubio and D. Coyle (Eds.), Quality of Bilingual Programmes in Higher Education, (pp. 96-114). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.