• Categoría profesional: Profesora Contratada Doctora
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Líneas de investigación:

  • Poesía y poética
  • Literatura Canadiense
  • Literatura Norteamericana
  • Modernismo angloamericano
  • Ecocrítica y posthumanismo
  • Literatura Comparada
  • Traducción literaria
  • Literaturas orales de los pueblos nativos de Norteamérica
  • Educación bilingüe y AICLE

Publicaciones (selección):

  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2022, “Reading the More-Than-Human World in T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.” Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, vol. 85, pp. 133‒151.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2022, “Vibrant Matter and Domestic Wisdom in Erin Brubacher’s In the Small Hours.” ES Review: Spanish Journal of English Studies, vol. 43, pp. 115‒132.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2021, Breathing Earth: The Polyphonic Lyric of Robert Bringhurst. Literary Theory and Culture Series, Vol. 58. Berlín: Peter Lang.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M. & Gámez Fernández, C.M. (eds.), 2021, Modern Ecopoetry. Reading the Palimpsest of the More-Than-Human World. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “The Multitudinous Sparseness of Space in Harry Thurston’s Broken Vessel.” Rocznicki Humanistyczne (Annals of Arts. Anglica), vol. 11, pp. 161‒179.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “The Vibrancy of Materiality and Otherwise-Than-Place in Susan Gillis’s Obelisk.” Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies, vol. 9, pp. 16‒27.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “The Fragility of a More-Than-Human World: Ecological Awareness in the Poetry of Robert Bringhurst.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing, vol. 56, issue 2, pp. 503‒516.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “Self Writing and World Mapping in Tim Bowling’s Downriver Drift and The Paperboy’s Winter.” Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 28, pp. 45‒55.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “A Poetic Correspondence on Ecology and the More-Than-Human World: Allan Cooper and Harry Thurston’s The Deer Yard.” En: E. Valls Oyarzun, R. Gualberto Valverde, N. Malla García, M. Colom Jiménez & R. Cordero Sánchez (eds.), Avenging Nature: The Role of Nature in Modern and Contemporary Art and Literature, Washington DC: Lexington Books, pp. 119‒132.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2019, “Polyphony and Ecology: The Green World in Robert Bringhurst’s New World Suite No. 3.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing, vol. 55, issue 2, pp. 155‒168.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018, “The Audible Light of Words: Mark Strand on Poetry and the Self.” ES Review: Spanish Journal of English Studies, vol. 39, pp. 255‒279.
  • Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2017, “A Fragment of the World, a Piece of Human Consciousness: Tim Bowling’s The Bone Sharps (2007) and The Tinsmith (2012).” Journal of English Studies, vol. XV, pp. 135‒154.