Page 93 - Linguistically Diverse Educational Contexts
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 Writing this book was a real intellectual adventure for me. It led to long hours of reflection on two issues that have always fascinated me: language education and the design of the educational process.
I received several gifts along the way.
A special gift during my writing was the gift of the word, thanks to which I was able to analyse literature and found patterns that inspired me and allowed me to systematise and compile them in this book.
Another special gift – one that is invaluable in science – came in the form of a committed mentor, Paweł Rudnicki, whom I would like to thank for countless conversations in which he asked pertinent and important questions in the area of the topics I was discussing.
I also had the gift of collegial cooperation – I would like to thank Ania Bilon for fruitful conversations in the early stages of the text. Anna, thank you for your curiosity and the openness with which you approached this concept of education.
A supervisor who wants you to succeed is a gift all the more precious when it comes from such experienced people. I am therefore very lucky to have received the gift of a supportive rector, Ewa Kurantowicz, and dean, Joanna Minta. Thank you for making this book project possible.
I would also like to thank Professor Eva Zamojska from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Professor Bogusława Dorota Gołębniak from the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław, and Dr Joanna Pfingsthorn from the University of Bremen, Germany, most sincerely for reviewing this book and for the constructive discussions regarding my research work. This gift of criticism, of being open to dialogue and of making the work sound relevant – a gift that has developed me greatly, which I hope resonates in the content.
This publication would not have been possible without the professional work of people involved in the publishing process (proofreaders, technical editors), and especially the commitment of the editor-in- chief, Dr Magdalena Karciarz, thanks to whom the book reached its final shape – I would like to thank everyone.
The most precious gift is undoubtedly having supportive family, because when we are calm and content, we act for the happiness and well-being of others. That is why I would like to thank them in particular for the support and space they have given me in the creation of this publication.

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