Page 60 - Linguistically Diverse Educational Contexts
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learning English as a foreign language, mentioned above, was published as early as 1945. In Poland at that time, the traditions of linguistics were still mainly focused on the field of general linguistics79, on language and literature80, and on the history and culture of language 81.
Due to the fact that the English term pedagogy is in its practical dimension identical with the Polish term pedagogia, it is justified at least to outline briefly how the term pedagogia is understood in Poland82. The dictionary of pedagogy states that "pedagogy is the totality of methods and means used by teachers in their work with children and youth; it concerns the practice of education and is sometimes called the art of teaching and upbringing"83. It is distinguished from a science of pedagogy (Polish: pedagogika), which is theoretical and scientific reflection on educational practice. Radziewicz- Winnicki (2008) defines pedagogy (pedagogia) as a set of means and methods of upbringing used by teachers and refers to the educational paradigm, which can take the form of pedagogical doctrine, educational ideology, or a hidden educational programme, e.g., of a school. According to R. Schulz (2009, p. 86), pedagogy is understood by many as:
• a synonym for educational practice, pedagogical activity;
• A synonym of pedagogical reflection of normative, world-view, and ideological character;
• A unity of being and educational consciousness.
The first understanding above presents pedagogy (Polish: pedagogia) as patterns of educational behaviour. The second considers pedagogy as the sphere of educational pre-consciousness, represented by material and social culture. And the third example considers pedagogy as educational being and consciousness, thus encompassing the whole culture of education. Schulz (2009, p. 89) gives the phases of the life cycle of pedagogy. These are:
(a) criticism or negation of reality,
b) the construction of ideals,
c) the stage of materialisation and realisation of new values,
d) the stage of cognition of newly created reality by pedagogical act.
The author emphasises that the above-mentioned stages apply to every type of pedagogy (Polish: pedagogii).
For T. Szkudlak (2009, p. 85) pedagogy (Polish: pedagogia) is an educational discourse and practice that "takes a stand, is a social voice, has an engaged character. The attitude of constructing the practice of education is not [...] any 'objective reason', but a commitment to the community, whose interests it should respect". The committed character of pedagogy strengthens its credibility. Thus, pedagogies (Polish: pedagogie) situate themselves in the space of activities for bringing out voices, narratives, and
79 One of the most prominent Polish linguists was Tadeusz Milewski (1906–1966), professor at the Jagiellonian University and author of An Outline of General Linguistics (Zarys językoznawstwa ogólnego) (1947).
80 Among those who should be mentioned here is Teodozja Rittel (1938–2019).
81 The latter two areas include Zenon Klemensiewicz (1891–1969), who was of great merit to the culture and history of the Polish language.
82 The term describes the experience and practice of education from the earliest times to the present (Tchorzewski, 2019, p. 17).
83 Kupisiewicz& Kupisiewicz, 2018.

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