Page 14 - Linguistically Diverse Educational Contexts
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from passive to active, inclusive, and participatory learning by giving learners voice and promoting equality and diversity. In this way, by including their personal, biographical, and cultural histories, students can act as designers of their own learning experiences.
It is my hope that the critical analysis of the literature presented in this book and the results of the preliminary research will result in new research directions that may inspire further research on the emergence of evidence-based (plurilingual) language courses, pedagogical reflection, and assessment of their educational potential.
Finally, in conclusion, I would like to emphasise the importance of the potential of designing social change-oriented language education by incorporating critical pedagogy and social constructivism into learning objectives, since learning development is deeply rooted in society and culture (Vygotsky, 1978) and power is deeply embedded in notions of culture and language (Fairclough, 1989). Language is therefore not a neutral means of describing the world7. Through language we create or co-create social reality (Zamojska, 2012, p. 54).
 7 The position of proponents of social constructivism.

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