Page 17 - New Trends in Green Construction
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This book collects the extended contributions of International Conference on Green Construction 2019 (ICGC 2019) celebrated in Cordoba (Spain) on April 8-9, 2019. ICGC 2019 was an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on green construction. This conference offered an important opportunity for researchers, students and professional workers to discuss a wide variety of topics related to the use of environmentally friendly technology in the field of building and construction, what leaves a lighter footprint on the environment through a
New Trends in Green Construction
        good management, a rational utilization and conservation of energy and material resources.
Construction sector is responsible for a significant share of global consumption of energy, electricity, water and materials. According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations, the CO2 production of this industry is almost 20% of global emissions. Development of new more efficient construction methods and technologies with a reduced level of environmental impact is necessary. ICGC 2019 pretends to be a forum to study possibilities of these new technologies and the state of research about this field.
Book has been divided in five parts according topics of the Conference:
 • Circular Economy
• Energy Source and Renewable Energy
• Energy Efficient Buildings
• Advanced Construction Materials and Technologies
• Clean Environment
 The Conference ICGC 2019 and this book have been supported by European Commission within the Erasmus+ Project 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026152 “Virtual and Intensive Course Developing Practical Skills of Future Engineers (VIPSKILLS)” and the University of Cordoba.

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