Molecular biology of stress response mechanisms - BIO-187
José Alhama Carmona
Nieves Abril Díaz
Juan Jurado Carpio
Carmen Michán Doña
Mª José Prieto Álamo
Noelia Morales Prieto
PhD student (FPI)
Ester Donoso Contreras
PhD student
Inmaculada Osuna Jiménez
Julia Ruiz Laguna
Teresa Gómez Fernández
  Second floor, Edif. Severo Ochoa, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Campus Rabanales, Universidad de Córdoba.
Phone: 0034957-218082
  Scientific activity  

Molecular characterization of the stress response in different eukaryote organisms.

Key words: genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, gene expression, RT-PCR, oxidative stress, thioredoxin, glutaredoxin, glutathione, environmental pollution, stress biomarkers

Active research projects.

"Respuestas biológicas a contaminantes del entorno de Doñana: integración de metodologías ómicas en exposiciones controladas y validación en estudios de campo". BIO1657. Incentivos a Proyectos de Investigación de Excelencia en Equipos de Investigación. 2013 (4 años)

"Integracion de omicas en estudios de bioindicadores medioambientales de contaminacion, modelos de laboratorio y lineas celulares. Bioaccesibilidad de contaminantes". CTM2015-67902-C2-1-P. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. 2015 (3 años)

"Análisis de proteínas del mucus cutáneo de S. dumerili". Convenio UCO-ULPGC 2016-17 (9 meses)

“Biología molecular de los mecanismos de respuesta a estrés”. XXI Programa Propio de Fomento de la Investigación. BIO187. Universidad de Córdoba. 2016 (1 año).

"Contaminantes emergentes en sistemas costeros: distribución y efectos biológicos, del laboratorio al campo". CTM2016-75908-R. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. 2016 (3 años).

  Scientific production  

Abril N, Ruiz-Laguna J, García-Sevillano MA, Mata AM, Gómez-Ariza JL, Pueyo C (2014). Heterologous microarray analysis of transcriptome alterations in Mus spretus mice living in an industrial settlement. Environ Sci Technol 48(4): 2183-2192.

Fernández-Boo S, Chicano-Gálvez E, Alhama J, Barea JL, Villalva A, Cao A (2014). Comparison of protein expression profiles between three Perkinsus spp., protozoan parasites of molluscs, through 2D electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 108: 47-58.

Fernández-Cisnal R, Alhama J, Abril N, Pueyo C, López-Barea J (2014). Redox proteomics as biomarker for assessing the biological effects of contaminants in crayfish from Doñana National Park. Science of the Total Environment, 490: 121-133.

García-Sevillano MA, García-Barrera T, Abril N, Pueyo C, López-Barea J, Gomez-Ariza JL (2014). Omics technologies and their applications to evaluate metal toxicity in mice M. spretus as a bioindicator. J Proteomics 104: 4-23.

García-Sevillano MA, García-Barrera T, Navarro F, Abril N, Pueyo C, López-Barea J, Gómez-Ariza JL (2014). Use of metallomics and metabolomics to assess metal pollution in Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Environ Sci Technol 48(14): 7747-7755.

Herrera R, Álvarez MC, Gelis S, Calero F, Salazar A, Suarez L, Morales N, Michán C, Ramos J (2014) Homeostasis de cationes y tolerancia a estreses abióticos en levaduras. SEM@foro, 57: 45-46.

Huertas MJ, Michán C (2014) Gut microbiota: in sickness and in health. Microbial Biotechnol., 7(2), 88-89.
Jebali J, Chicano-Gálvez E, Fernández-Cisnal R, Banni  M, Chouba  L, Boussetta H, López-Barea J, Alhama J (2014). Proteomic analysis in caged Mediterranean crab (Carcinus maenas) and chemical contaminant exposure in Téboulba Harbour, Tunisia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 108: 47-58.

                  Osuna-Jiménez I., Abril N, Vioque-Fernández A, Gómez-Ariza JL, Prieto-Álamo MJ, Pueyo C (2014). The environmental quality of Doñana surrounding areas affects the immune transcriptional profile of inhabitant crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Fish Shellfish Immunol 40(1): 136-145.

Tapia-Paniagua ST, Vidal S, Lobo C, Prieto-Álamo MJ, Jurado J, Cordero H, Cerezuela R, García de la Banda I, Esteban MA, Balebona MC, Moriñigo MA. The treatment with the probiotic Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 of specimens of Solea senegalensis exposed to high stocking densities to enhance their resistance to disease. Fish Shellfish Immunol (2014) 41(2):209-21.

Abril N, Chicano-Gálvez E, Michán C, Pueyo C, Lopez-Barea J (2015) iTRAQ analysis of hepatic proteins in free-living Mus spretus mice to assess the contamination status of areas surrounding Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 523:16-27.

Chicano-Gálvez E, Asensio E, Cañavate JP, Alhama J, López-Barea J (2015). Proteomic analysis through larval development of Solea senegalensis flatfish. Proteomics, 15: 4105-4119.

García-Sevillano MA, García-Barrera T, Navarro F, Abril N, Pueyo C, López-Barea J, Gómez-Ariza JL (2015). Combination of direct infusion mass spectrometry and gas chromatography mass spectrometry for toxicometabolomic study of red blood cells and serum of mice Mus musculus after mercury exposure. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 985: 75-84.

García-Sevillano MA, Abril N, Fernández-Cisnal R, García-Barrera T, Pueyo C, López-Barea J, Gómez-Ariza JL (2015). Functional genomics and metabolomics reveal the toxicological effects of cadmium in Mus musculus mice. Metabolomics 11: 432-1450.

Ghedira J, Chicano-Gálvez E, Fernández-Cisnal R, Jebali J, Banni M, Chouba L, Boussetta H, López-Barea J, Alhama J (2016). Using environmental proteomics to assess pollutant response of Carcinus maenas along the Tunisian coast. Science of the Total Environment, 541: 109-118.

Jurado J, Fuentes-Almagro CA, Guardiola FA, Cuesta A, Esteban MÁ, Prieto-Álamo MJ. Proteomic profile of the skin mucus of farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). J Proteomics (2015) 120:21-34.

Romero-Rodríguez MC, Abril N, Sánchez-Lucas R, Jorrín Novo JV (2015) Multiplex staining of 2-DE gels for an initial phosphoproteome analysis of germinating seeds and early grown seedlings from a non-orthodox spp.: Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota. Front. Plant Sci., 11 August 2015, Vol. 6, Article 260.

                  Ruiz-González MD, Cañete MD, Gómez-Chaparro JL, Abril N, Cañete R, López-Barea J (2015). Alterations of protein expression in serum of infants with intrauterine growth restriction and different gestational ages. J Proteomics 119: 169-182.

Prista C, Michán C, Miranda IM, Ramos J (2016) The halotolerant Debaryomyces hansenii, the Cinderella of non-conventional yeasts. Yeast, 33: 523-533.

Ruiz-Laguna J, Velez-Ortiz JM, Pueyo C, Abril N (2016) Global gene expression profiling using heterologous DNA microarrays to analyze alterations in the transcriptome of Mus spretus mice living in a heavily polluted environment. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 23: 5853–5867.

Ruiz-González MD, Cañete MD, Gómez-Chaparro JL, Rodríguez-Torronteras A, Abril N, Cañete R, López-Barea J (2016) Morbility, clinical data and proteomic analysis of IUGR and AGA newborns at different gestational ages. Data in Brief. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2016.09.024.

Abril N, Prieto-Álamo MJ, Pueyo C. (2017) Functional Genomics Approaches in Marine Pollution and Aquaculture. In: Environmental Problems in Marine Biology: Methodological Aspects and Applications Eds: Garcia-Barrera T, Gomez Ariza JL. Science Publishers (CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN 9781482264500.

Alhama J, Michán C, López-Barea J (2017). New Trends in Aquatic Pollution Monitoring: from Conventional Biomarkers to Environmental Proteomics. En: Environmental Problems in Marine Biology: Methodological Aspects and Applications. Eds: Garcia-Barrera T, Gomez Ariza JL. Science Publishers (CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN 9781482264500.