Project LAGMED monitors the haemorrhagic disease in rabbits and characterizes circulating virus strains in order to contain future outbreaks

Project Living Soils will create a collaborative network to exchange and spread good practices in agriculture in order to conserve soil

The European project called MED-BERRY looks into new biofungicides and genetic improvement technology in order to defend strawberries against attacks from pathogens

The University of Cordoba is collaborating on a new project by the University of Almeria to test APIStrip, a new tool for sampling environmental pollutants by means of bee colonies

A study performed by UCO (University of Cordoba) and IFAPA (Institute of Agricultural Research and Training) analyzed the potential of no-till farming in order to achieve the aims of the 4perMille initiative, that seeks to increase the amount of organic carbon in soil.

Project Vesynech is studying why marine cyanobacteria release small compartments with nutrients and genetic information and what their functions are

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